Mathematics department celebrated Kerala piravi on November 1st 2021 along with Maths club inauguration. The inauguration held at 9.20 am. Ms.Angel Aldreena Correya of II M.Sc welcomed the gathering. Head of the department Dr. Manju K Menon delivered the inaugural speech and felicitation was made by Ms. Maya K, the coordinator of Maths club.The function began with a group song by I B.Sc students and competitions like quiz programme, one minute talk on the specialties of Kerala, Malayali manka/ Maths manka were also conducted. At last a musical video made by Devanunni Sunil of II B .Sc Physics, a member of Music club was played. The programme ended by 10.15am with the vote of thanks delivered by Ms.Jeena Semendhy of II M.Sc.