OBC Cell

The MHRD, University Grants Commission and AICTE have given priority to the downtrodden students and staff and have given directions to all the universities and colleges to establish OBC Cell. In this regard the OBC Cell of our college was established in the year 2020. The cell has specifically concentrated on the welfare of the OBC students and staffs. The main aim of the cell is to monitor the various schemes issued to the OBC students like scholarships, welfare schemes and to help them to integrate with the mainstream.


  • To uplift the students belonging to the OBC community equal to the mainstream student community .
  • To council and guide about various issues and help them to manage academic and non-academic activities
  • To create awareness about various welfare schemes and other government orders particularly for the OBC community.
  • To function as a grievance redressal cell for the grievances of OBC students and employees.
  • To develop the self-confidence of OBC students.
  • To create awareness, instil values and develop the personality and leadership quality in the students and staff members.
  • To organize seminars, workshops relating to OBC development.
  • To provide remedial coaching for the educationally weak students.


Mr. Jose Xavier

Dr. Manju K Menon

Mr. Christy George P C

Ms. Jixy Joseph

Ms. Jinu Rose E V

Ms. Rinu Joy