Department of Mathematics , St. Paul’s college, Kalmassery organized a theme based photography contest as a green initiative of Maths club on World Environment Day- June 5th,2021.The objective was to make younger generation more sensitive towards environmental protection.We obtained 54 entries from 28 students of our Department .Dr. PramadaRamachandran,Ms. Maya. K & Ms. Nisha V M were the judges of the contest. Ms.JasnaK Jof IV sem B Sc,Ms.Bithiya Joy of I M Sc and Galdin George of I M Sc were awarded with the 1st, 2nd, and 3rdprizes respectively. Participant’s power of imagination, patience, observation skills were also reflected in their snapshots

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Published On: June 5, 2021Categories: College News, Department of Mathematics - Activities