On June 5 every year the nature empaths around the globe celebrate World Environment Day to encourage awareness and observe its protection. This year the theme of World Environment Day was “Reimagine. Recreate. Restore “.To highlight the importance of ecosystem restoration the Department of Physics of St. Pauls college Kalamassery organised a webinar on the topic “Ecosystem Restoration” on 8th June 2021 at 10:00 am via Google platform as a part of World Environment Day. Mr Benoy Thomas M. P, Assistant Professor, Department of Botany of Govt. Victoria College Palakkad served as the resource person. The program was commenced by the welcome note from Dr. Rajeshmon V.G,Department of Physics, St Pauls College Kalamassery. Mr Benoy talked about how to repair our fractured relationship with nature and the importance of ecosystem restoration. The program received a huge positive response from the students and at the end of the webinar the students asked their doubts to which the speaker answered in detail. Dr. Poornima N delivered the vote of thanks.

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Published On: June 8, 2021Categories: College News