The survey was initiated as part of the gender sensitization initiative of the Department of Physics in collaboration with the IQAC of St. Paul’s College. Gender sensitization is essential to understand the sensitive needs of a particular gender. Educational institutions are the best spaces for initiating such sensitization programmes because they instill thought. Many organizations have initiated baby steps towards making work spaces women- friendly by implementing stronger maternity leave policies, workplace safety etc. Such sensitization programmes are essential to identify and address conscious or unconscious biases that creep in to a workplace and the success of such programmes depend on the extent to which such topics are exposed for discussion and remediation.

We received responses from lady teachers belonging to various age groups from Colleges as well as Schools. From the survey, we were able to understand some of the problems faced by teachers with regard to facilities/working environments in their institutions. Some were hesitant to even participate in the survey. The results are quite interesting and a few interesting details have been incorporated here.

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Published On: July 12, 2020Categories: College News, Department of Physics- Activities