On 10th June 2022 Friday, the Department of Mathematics organized a farewell ceremony named ‘Alvida’ , for the outgoing MSc Mathematics students batch 20’20-22. It was coordinated by the students of 1st year MSc Mathematics along with the support of Maths club. The programme was held in the room no. S27. Various cultural programs and games were also arranged for them . They participated actively and made the occasion memorable. The day was enriched both with joy and sorrow of separation.
Department of Mathematics in association with Quiz club, St. Paul’s college, Kalamassery organized a Statistics Quiz “Statista” on 22/06/2022 as part of the National Statistics Day Celebrations. Ms Sahala N.S , I MA Economics, got 1st prize Ms Krishnendu, III BSc Maths and Galdin George, II MSc Maths shared the 2nd prize. Cash prizes and certificates have been distributed to the winners.
Maths Club Inauguration
The Department of Mathematics organized an official inauguration of the Maths club 2022-23 by Dr. Sasi Gopalan, Professor, HoD, Department of Mathematics, CUSAT on 16/06/2022 at Seminar Hall, St Paul’s College, Kalamassery. He also gave a talk on the topic “ Introduction to Optimization techniques”. His mentees, Ms. Anjali M, Ms. Athira Vinay, and Mr.Rohit T P of CUSAT also gave some insights on the topics of Artificial Bee Colony, Wavelets, and neuro network. Students also organised various cultural programs and games at Daniel hall..A FEMI talk on “ Euler’s number” was also conducted by second MSc Mathematics students Joel and Galdin .
Report of International pi-day
On march 14th the department of mathematics celebrated International pi day at 10:30 am. The programme was conducted by students of 1st bsc mathematics. The programme began with a prayer song by Sr.Kunchi mary priya & Sr. Abhi Nivedha and was inaugurated by our principal Dr.Savitha.K.S.Many competitions like poster making,origami making,puzzles and pi word Competitions were organised by the students. The programme was coordinated by Miss. Reem Fathima and Mr.Ebin varghese.An introduction on pi day was given by Mr.Ebin Varghese using a power point presentation. Prizes were distributed to the winners by the teachers.Vote of thanks was given by Br.Jose Renish.Under the guidance of our teachers of the department the students succeeded in conducting the programme very well.
On 8th March 2022, Department of mathematics of St Paul’s College celebrated the International Women’s Day by organizing a programme named ‘Aile’. It was coordinated by the 1st year MSc Mathematics students. The programme started at 9.30 am with a prayer by Ms.Devaprabha of 1st year MSc Mathematics. It was hosted by Arya K B of 1st year MSc Mathematics. Dixeena Varghese of 1st year MSc Mathematics welcomed everyone .Dr. Manju K Menon, the head of the department of Mathematics was invited for the felicitation. Later as a part of FEMI, Fasna K S from 1st year MSc Mathematics took a seminar on the topic ‘Woman Mathematicians’. It was followed by a song sung by Ms. Devaprabha of 1st year MSc Mathematics. It was a joyful moment for all. Then a mehendi competition was held. The competition was to make a mehendi design within 5 minutes. Five students from different classes within the mathematics department participated in it. Everyone participated in it with greatest pleasure. At last Miss.Mizna of 1st year Bsc Mathematics and Miss.Nazrin of 3rd year Bsc Mathematics secured the 1st and 2nd position. After that a debate was conducted on the topic “The Need For Celebrating Women’s Day”,on behalf of the mediater Miss.Rehana of 3rd year Bsc Mathematics. The whole students present in the programme was divided into two groups and students in both the groups participated in the debate actively. Aifa of 3rd year Bsc Mathematics has selected as the best debater. Prizes were distributed to the winners of the competitions by the teachers of Mathematics department. The programme ended at 10.30 am. by the vote of thanks of Miss.Mila Jolly of 1st year MSc Mathematics.
National Mathematics day
Department of Mathematics celebrated National Mathematics day “oineer 2k21” on 22/12 /2021. Several competitions like Treasure Hunt,conquering Rubik’s cube, Thambola, Feed me and a film show were organized by the students. A class was also arranged under FEMI A text book “ Mat201- Partial Differential Equations and Complex Analysis ”co-authored by Dr. Pramada Ramachandran was released by the Head of the Department Dr. Manju K Menon.A flash mob was conducted on that day. Our Principal Dr.Savitha K.S distributed Prizes to the winners.
Maths club of Department of Mathematics , St. Paul’s college, Kalamassery organized a Carol competition on 15.12.21 in connection with the Christmas celebrations.I B.Sc ,II M.Sc ,I M.Sc students and Faculty of the department participated in the competition. Student representatives from each batch were the judges of the contest. Faculty of the department and the students of I M Sc were awarded with the 1st, 2nd prizes respectively.
An official welcome for the First year UG students was organized by the Maths Club of the department on 10/12/2021 in the Malabar Auditorium at 1:30 PM . Irfana M.I of II BSc welcomed the gathering .Our Head Of the Department, Dr. Manju K Menon delivered the felicitation speech. Several games and interesting tasks were arranged by the seniors. Those sessions were well handled by Aifa M.U of III BSc and Afiya A.R of II BSc. There were dance perfomances by freshers as well as seniors. Snack boxes were distributed among the students and teachers for refreshment. Students got an opportunity to interact with each other, after 1 ½ years of monotonous online classes. Towards the end of the programme there was a DJ session .Our students enjoyed it very much. The programme ended at 3:30 PM.
Department of Mathematics has organized a career orientation programme “CAREERS IN STATISTICS” on 9th December 2021. Dr. Santhosh S, former Associate professor of Statistics, Maharaj’s College Ernakulam was the resource person of the same. Ms. Nimmy George, Faculty coordinator has welcomed the gathering and Dr. Manju K Menon, Head of the Department has introduced the speaker. The class was informative and Ms. Vyshnavi K.T, III BSc Mathematics proposed vote of thanks.
Report on Maths club inauguration & Kerala piravi celebrations
Mathematics department celebrated Kerala piravi on November 1st 2021 along with Maths club inauguration. The inauguration held at 9.20 am. Ms.Angel Aldreena Correya of II M.Sc welcomed the gathering. Head of the department Dr. Manju K Menon delivered the inaugural speech and felicitation was made by Ms. Maya K, the coordinator of Maths club.The function began with a group song by I B.Sc students and competitions like quiz programme, one minute talk on the specialties of Kerala, Malayali manka/ Maths manka were also conducted. At last a musical video made by Devanunni Sunil of II B .Sc Physics, a member of Music club was played. The programme ended by 10.15am with the vote of thanks delivered by Ms.Jeena Semendhy of II M.Sc.
Department of Mathematics has organized a career orientation programme “CAREERS IN STATISTICS” on 9th December 2021. Dr. Santhosh S, former Associate professor of Statistics, Maharaj’s College Ernakulam was the resource person of the same. Ms. Nimmy George, Faculty coordinator has welcomed the gathering and Dr. Manju K Menon, Head of the Department has introduced the speaker. The class was informative and Ms. Vyshnavi K.T, III BSc Mathematics proposed vote of thanks.
1729@SPC MATHS on 27/10/21
The Department of Mathematics organized the first session of the series titled 1729@SPC Maths on 27/10/21, 11.30-12.30 in offline mode. Ms. Valentine D’cruz, Former Principal and Head of the Department, St. Paul’s College, Kalamassery handled today’s session titled “Foundation of Mathematics – an Introduction”. This session was the first offline invited session offered for our students after two years. The session was really useful for the students.
video competition – The life of Mahatma Gandhi
Maths club of Department of Mathematics , St. Paul’s college, Kalamassery organized an inter departmental video competition on the life of Mahatma Gandhi as a tribute to Gandhiji on Gandhi JayantiDay.The objective was to inspire the young generation by telling them about the father of the nation who brought independence for us without any violence. 10 students of varoius departments participated in the contest . Dr. Manju K Menon and Ms. Maya. K were the judges of the contest. Ms. Krishnasree of I sem B Sc Mathematics and Ms. Berny Paul of II M Sc Mathematics were awarded with the 1st, 2nd prizes respectively.
SCHOLA BREVIS 2021 -06/10/2021
The Department of Mathematics organized an invited talk on 06th October 2021 (in the online mode) by DR. P Vinod Bhattathiripad who is a well-known expert in Cyber Forensics who has already served as a Technical Expert to the police, judiciary, Directorate of Revenue Intelligence (DRI), and Special Intelligence and Investigation Bureau of Dept of Customs dept on several cases involving cyber evidence. His talk was on ‘Mathematical Approaches in Crime Investigation’ and he explained the mathematical tools using in identifying the authenticity of a matter/ photo and in cyber-related forensics. He explained that one must be ‘Mathetic’ to be an expert in this field. The class was very interesting and about 200 students and faculty members registered for the talk. Dr. Manju K. Menon, Head. Department of Mathematics welcomed and introduced the speaker and after the talk, there was a question-answer interactive session which was coordinated by Maya K. Our second MSc Student Mr. Galdin George proposed the vote of thanks.
In association with the Office of the Dean, Academics, the Office of the Dean, Student Affairs organized the programme ‘We shall Overcome’, programme in alignment with the “YuWaah Echoes” initiative taken up by the Central Government. Students were encouraged to take the ‘Young Warriors ‘pledge and also to participate in the YuWaah Echoes contests that went on till 4th September, 2021. Discussions, presentations and knowledge sharing sessions on the pandemic, prevention of the spread and treatment were encouraged.
The International Research Workshop on Graph Domination was organized by the Department of Mathematics in association with the Ramanujan Mathematical society in the online mode during July 20-24, 2021. The workshop was announced by sharing the brochure through the online platforms well in advance and the registration was closed by July 7th when the Registration crossed 80. We restricted the number of participants for the effectiveness of the programme.The registered participants were from various parts of the country: Andhra Pradesh, Bangalore, Gujarat, Karnataka, Kerala, Maharashtra, Nagaland, New Delhi, Orissa, Tamilnadu, Telengana, Utharpradesh. The webpage of the workshop is https://stpauls.ac.in/blog/department-news/mathematics/international-research-workshop-on-graph-domination-july-20-24-2021/
The workshop was inaugurated by Prof. Sabu Thomas, Honorable Vice Chancellor of M G University, Kottayam on 20/07/21. The inaugural meeting started with a prayer. TheConvener& Head, Department of Mathematics; Dr. Manju K. Menon welcomed the gathering and she gave an idea about the workshop. Dr. Savitha K S, Principal in charge,delivered the Principal’s address. The President of the meeting was Rev. Fr. Joseph Antony Pallipparambil, Associate Manager, St. Paul’s College, Kalamassery. He congratulated the Department of Mathematics for organizing the workshops like this and thanked RMS for supporting this event. Prof. Sabu Thomas, Honorable Vice Chancellor, M G University, Kottayam inaugurated the meeting and congratulated the whole team behind this event. Prof. Ambat Vijayakumar, (Professor, CUSAT) Vice President, RMS felicitated and he remarked that Department of Mathematics, St. Paul’s College, Kalamassery has good collaborations with RMS. Dr. Pramada Ramachandran delivered the vote of thanks.
There were 10 sessions each of 1.5 hrs. duration, two sessions per day. The speakers were Prof. S. Arumugam, Adjunct Professor, Amrutha Viswa Vidya Peetham, Coimbatore, Prof. Ambat Vijayakumar, Emeritus Professor, CUSAT, Prof. Douglus F Rall, USA, Prof. Sandi Klavzar, Slovenia, Prof. Ismael G Yero, Spain, Dr. Anu V, St. Peter’s College, Kolenchery, Dr. Chithra M R, Kerala University, Dr. Seethu Varghese, BMC College, Thrikkakkara, and Dr. Tijo James, Pavanathma College, Murickassery. All the speakers were experts in their areas and their sessions were well appreciated. Good discussions were there at the end of each session and the young researchers cleared their doubts from the speakers. We sincerely hope that some collaboration works will be published in the near future as a biproduct of this workshop.
INVITED TALK, 07/07/2021
As a fresh academic year, 2020 21, started, with the pandemic and lockdowns extending into this academic year also, the final year PG students of the Department do feel an apprehension regarding their careers and future. A need for a class on these aspects was felt, and the institute ‘MATHLAB KOCHI’ came forward to sponsor the event and arrange the resource person, Dr Bajeel P N, Assistant Professor, Sir Syed College, Taliparamba. 101 teachers and students participated in the programme. It was particularly gratifying to see that students from several other colleges also benefitted.
FEMI on 30/06/2021
An official inauguration of FEMI was organized by 1st MSc Mathematics on 30th June 2021, 2:30pm. The main aim of the event was to let the students explore the world of Maths beyond the syllabus. The event was conducted online through google meet platform. The event began with a prayer song by ‘Angel’ which was followed by a welcome speech delivered by ‘Daria’. Dr. Manju K Menon , HoD , Mathematics addressed the students .The event started with a presentation on the topic “Riemann Hypothesis” prepared by Aleena and Meenakshi. Later a discussion was there regarding the topic. The event ended with vote of thanks by Jeena of I Msc Mathematics
As the pandemic and lockdowns extend into the academic year 2021 22 also, the consequences and after effects have taken a different turn. Observing the toll not only on physical health but also mental health, the Department of Mathematics decided to organize an interactive session with a mental health care expert – Dr Shameena Abdullah, psychiatrist. Primarily an initiative for student and staff welfare, the objective was to gain tips on how to deal with mental fatigue and stress due to the pandemic.The participants found the session useful, encouraging and a relief fom certain apprehensions. They felt it was a big help in dealing with the stress and strain imposed by the pandemic.
Report of the Environment Day Photography competition- “ Hope”

Department of Mathematics , St. Paul’s college, Kalmassery organized a theme based photography contest as a green initiative of Maths club on World Environment Day- June 5th,2021.The objective was to make younger generation more sensitive towards environmental protection.We obtained 54 entries from 28 students of our Department .Dr. PramadaRamachandran,Ms. Maya. K & Ms. Nisha V M were the judges of the contest. Ms.JasnaK Jof IV sem B Sc,Ms.Bithiya Joy of I M Sc and Galdin George of I M Sc were awarded with the 1st, 2nd, and 3rdprizes respectively. Participant’s power of imagination, patience, observation skills were also reflected in their snapshots
On 15.05.2021, the fourth session of FEMI by the students of IIMSc Mathematics was conducted in the online mode at 11:00am. Ms Reeba Rose welcomed the gathering and Ms Shabnamol and Ms Bithiyah Joy presented the information gathered on the discovery of Pi. The various attempts by different people on evaluating the value of Pi were well explained. The programme concluded with a vote of thanks by Ms Meenakshi.
The International women mathematicians daywas celebrated on12th May 2021 , on the birthdate of the great mathematician Maryam Mirzakhani to inspire women everywhere to celebrate their achievements in mathematics. The program was conducted by the first year BSc students as their maths club activity. The program was conducted online on Google meet platform at 2.00 p.m . The programme began with a prayer song by Krishnakripa. FathimaNazar delivered the welcome speech . Our Principal DrSavitha K.S delivered felicitation speech. Mathsclub coordinator, Ms.Maya K delivered an inspiring talk . A presentation on the lives , works and achievements of women mathematicians Maryam Mirzakhani , Hypatia ,Katherine Johnson ,Emmy Noether , and Sakuntala Devi was done by RosemolJolly,Albin Benny, Aparna M.S, FathimaNazar and Krishnendu . A quiz session and a game session based on the presentation were also conducted .Aleena James and Irfana M.I handled the sessions very well. Parvathy H of second BSc and Galdin of PG department won the prizes .Most of the students from both UG and PG department participated actively. FathimaNeslin N.A hosted the program well. The program concluded at 2.45 pm with the vote of thanks by Irfana M.I .
Farewell given to Ms Valentine D’ Cruz
The Department of Mathematics, St Paul’s college, Kalamassery together with the Maths Cluborganized a farewell ceremony for Ms Valentine D’ Cruz on 01/05/2021, on her retirement as the Principal of our college after 32 years of service. We took this as an opportunity to felicitate our new Principal Dr. Savitha. K.S also. For every student it was a day of memories and an occasion for expressing their love and gratitude towards Valentine Ms. Ms. Valentine D’ Cruz and Dr. Savitha. K S were presented with their pencil portraits too. Altogether, it was an unforgettable programme.
Alumni meet and farewell to Professor Valentine D’Cruz
The Department of Mathematics, St Paul’s College,Kalamassery organized an Alumni meet and a Farewell Meeting to our dear coleagueProf. Valentine D’cruzon 25th April 2021 in the online mode. The program was organised in the zoom platform and was informed the Alumni members through their WhatsApp group. About 250 old students from all over the world joined the program and made it a grand success. Ms. Maya K, Faculty of the Department of Mathematics welcomed the gathering. One of our alumniMs. Aswathycoordinated the program in a very well manner. Many retired faculties, guest teachers worked in the department of mathematics shared their wonderful experience with Professor Valentine D’cruzand so many students commented about her teaching skill and committed nature. All students remarked that she was always a pleasant teacher and never scolded them for anything. In the reply speech, Professor Valentine became too emotional and she shared lots of good experiences in her teaching career throughout these 31 years. Even though the programme was planned for 1.30 hrs, students were sharing their good memories about Mathematics Department and Valentine Ms and hence the programme ended lately.
On 04.03.2021, as part of the SCHOLA BREVIS lecture Series, an invited talk on “Hyperbolic functions: A Geometric Approach” was organized at 12:40 pm. The targeted audience was our first-year Under Graduatestudents of Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry. The speaker Dr.Tijo James explained the geometric aspect of the hyperbolic functions which is missing in the curriculum. He also spoke on the significance and application of these functions apart from the basic definitions. The students found the lecture very interesting and useful.
In connection with the Pauline Arts Festival UDAAN -2020-21, Department of Mathematics conducted the Instrumental Music competition- Wind & Percussion on 26.02.21 at 1.00 pm in the college.Mrs. Deepa George, Assistant professor, Department of English & Dr. Akhil .P.S ,Assistant professor, Department of Chemistry were the judges of the events. Among the three participants in the event “ Percussion” , SaahilRaneesh ,Department of B.Voc Tourism , Louis Ansal, Department of B.sc Computer Science and Abshar Askar, Department of BBA are ranked in the first, second and third positions respectively. Devanunni, Department of Physics who was the only participant in the wind event is placed in the first position.
Another session of FEMI on “INDIAN MATHEMATICIANS”was organized at 2:00pm on 24.02.2021 through Google Meet. Vyshanvi K.T of IIBScMathematics was the speaker.She presented beautifully, a few major contributions of the famous Indian Mathematicians: Aryabhatta, Brhamaguptha, Bhaskaracharya and Srinivasa Ramanujan. The students who attended the programme found it very interesting and were able to appreciate the contributions of these great Indian Mathematicians to the world of Mathematics.
An interaction with Ms. Asa G Menon, Associate professor, D.B College, Thalayolaparambu was organized by the department for our IIMSc students on the topic “Optimization Techniques” on 22.02.2021 at 7:30pm. The speaker discussed the important concepts of the Optimization Techniques and clarified the doubts of the students regarding different methods of solutions to the same problem. She also pointed out the thrust areas for the university examinations. The students expressed their gratitude for the opportunity to interact with her and told that the programme really boosted their confidence level for writing the university examinations.
An official inauguration and first activity of Maths club “ZERONE” for the year 2020-21 was organized by students of Msc Mathematics on 18th Feb, 12:40 pm. The programme was conducted online through Google meet platform for 2nd& 3rd UG students while 1st UG students were present physically. The activity started with a prayer song by Angel AldreenaCorreya followed by welcome speech delivered by Jeena Elizabeth Semendhy. Our principal Ms Valentine D’cruz& Head of the Department, Dr.Savitha K.S delivered the felicitation speeches. The event started by a presentation on topic “MATHEMATICS BEHIND FINGERPRINTS” prepared by Berny Paul. After that several games, puzzles & tasks were arranged and all students actively participated in the club activities. A total of 35 students from 2nd& 3rdBscmaths were also involved through online platform. The programme ended around 1:40 pm with vote of thanks by Galdin George Benadict.
Department of Mathematics, St. Paul’s College, Kalamassery organizeda compact course on Algebra and Analysis in association with the Ramanujan Mathematical Society. The course is arranged in the online mode via Google meet platform during 27th January – 6th February 2021.There was a brief inaugural ceremony on 27th January in which the RMS Vice President, Prof. A. Vijayakumar, Emeritus Professor, Department of Mathematics, CUSAT inaugurated the compact course. The convener of the Compact Course Dr. Manju K. Menon welcomed the gathering and briefed about the course. The College Principal in charge Prof. Valentine D’cruz presided over the function.All the participants were requested to introduce themselves and we were so happy to note that there were participants from Odisha, Bangalore, Trichy, and from different parts of Kerala such as Kannur, Palghat, Trichur, Changanassery and also from Ernakulam.
Due to the pandemic situation, we were forced to conduct the Compact Course in Online and we are thankful to the RMS authorities for sanctioning our proposal. The brochure was circulated all over the country through various whatsapp groups and in the brochure, we had clearly mentioned that the number of participants is restricted for the effectiveness of the programme. The speakers were Dr. Didimos K V, S H College, Thevara and Dr. V B Kirankumar, CUSAT who are really authorities in these areas in Mathematics. Both the speakers lectured the topics in such a manner that the participants of all levels could understand, and both the speakers spent some time regularly to clear the participant’s doubts.We had shared the notes and problem sessions to all the participants. We have recorded each class and shared the YouTube link of each class with the participants.
An official welcome for the first year UG & PG students was organized by the Maths club of the department on 21/01/2021 through Google meet platform at 12.40pm. The programme started with a prayer by Ms. Thasneem of II B.Sc . Ms. Arya. K.S of II M.Sc welcomed the gathering.Our Principal ,Ms. Valentine D’cruz and Head of the department, Dr. Savitha K.S delivered the felicitation speeches. Several games, interesting tasks, songs were arranged for the freshers by the seniors. Those sessions were well handled by Ms. Aifa M.U of II B.Sc. Freshers got an opportunity to exhibit their talents and to interact with their seniors. Our students enjoyed the programme very much.The programme ended at 2.30pm with the vote of thanks of Ms. Haritha Sajeevlal of II M.Sc.
Date: 17/12/2020
The Department organized a talk by Lt Jaison Jacob, Assistant Professor, St Aloysius College, Thrissur for the first-year students. The objective was to help them gain an idea on the wide reach and application of the subject they had chosen to pursue – Mathematics.
Date: 16/12/2020
In association with the Departments of Physics and English, the Department of Mathematics organized an in house orientation programme for its students. The Deans of Discipline, Student Affairs, Quality Assurance and the College Controller of Examinations addressed the students, covering various aspects of College life.
Date: 19/08/2020
A Programme on Green Initiative was organized by the Mathematics Department on 19/8/20 from 10.30am-11.30am. Ms. Maya.K handled the session “ Grow Green & Go Green”.
Date: 25/08/2020
As an initiative for student and staff welfare, the Department of Mathematics decided to organize a programme with a difference – an interactive session with an eye care expert – Dr Anil K Nambiar, ophthalmologist. The objective was to gain tips on how to deal with eye fatigue and stress due to excessive screen time.
The Quiz club of St. Paul’s College conducted an online quiz “Independent India” in association with Maths Department from 12.30pm-6pm on 15/08/2020. Certificates were issued to those who scored 75% and above.
Date: 13/08/2020
As part of an initiative to create awareness on gender issues, the Department of Mathematics organized a talk for the post graduate students of Mathematics, Physics & Chemistry. The session was organized in collaboration with the Equal Opportunity Cell of the College.
Date: 03/08/2020
Topic: My class @SPC, my second family!
To help students beat the lockdown blues, the Department of Mathematics decided to organize an ‘online video competition’ – wherein students can create a collage of their college memories.
Date: 2/08/2020
Maths Club activities were inaugurated by Dr. G. Indulal , St. Aloysius college, Edathua on 26/08/2020. After the meeting we conducted “ Onam celebrations”.
The Department of Mathematics, St. Paul’s College, Kalamassery organized a Remembrance Meeting of Dr. Kalam on July 27, 2020 via the Google meet platform. The response we got after launching the brochure was overwhelming Padmavibhushan Dr. G. Madhavan Nair, former Director of ISRO and Dr.Ambat Vijayakumar, Emeritus Professor, CUSAT were the speakers.