
Semeter I

BOCG101 -Listening and Speaking Skills in English (T)
BOCG102-IT for Business (AOC)
BOCC111-Business Mathematics
BOCC112-Introduction to logistics Management
BOCC113-Fundamentals of Accounting
BOCC114-General Informatics -I (AOC)

Semester II

BOCG201-Writing and presentation skills in English (T)
BOCC211-Domestic Logistics Management
BOCC212-Business Communication
BOCC213-Warehouse Management
BOCC214-Computerised Accounting (AOC)
BOCC215-Internship- I

Semester III

BOCG301-Principles of Management (T)
BOCC311-Business Statistics
BOCC312-Principles of Logistics Information Systems
BOCC313-Inventory Management
BOCC314-Shipping and Ocean Freight LogisticsManagement
BOCC315-General Informatics –II (AOC)

Semester IV

BOCG401-Soft Skills & Personality Development (T)
BOCC411-Supply Chain Management
BOCC412-International Logistics Management
BOCC413-Export and Import – Policies & Procedures
BOCC414-Air Cargo Logistics Management
BOCC415-Internship with project II

Semester V

BOCG501-Environmental Studies (T)
BOCC511-Enterprise Resource Planning
BOCC512-Business Ethics and Global Business Management
BOCC513-Human Resource Management
BOCC514-Marketing Management

Semester VI

BOCG601-Entrepreneurship Development 
BOCC611-Retail Management
BOCC612-Operations Management
BOCC613-Transportation and Distribution Management
BOCC614-Financial Management
BOCC615-Internship with Project III

Logistics Syllabus